Magickal Moments

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Magickal Moments

Magickal Moments of learning and growing on the Pagan Path, Coven homepage of The Circle Of Light.



    Posts : 364
    Join date : 2011-06-29
    Age : 49
    Location : Berkshire


    Post  Wiccanthyme Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:41 pm

    SITE RULES Pentacle-1

    Merry Meet, here you will find a short list of rules that we hold important on this site.
    They are in place for the safety and well being to everyone so please pay attention and respect them all.

    1) no swearing - no foul language will be accepted and if any is found your post will be removed and you will be given a warning, if it happens again then i am affraid you will be banned from the site.

    2) Perfect love and Perfect trust - two simple but very powerful things that we want all our students to adhere too. If you find you have a problem with someone here please contact either Wiccanthyme Broomcloset or Lavender Rose and we will quickly sort it out for you as best we can.

    3) No judging others - we are all entitled to our own beliefs, our own path and our own way of doing things. Just because someone doesnt do something your way that doesnt make it the wrong way so please think before you go telling someone they are wrong.

    4) Although we are all on a different path we abide the Wiccan Rede and wish for everyone here to do the same. If you cannot be here without harming none then this is not the place for you.

    5) Please do not post links to other websites without permission. If you want to add a link then private message Wiccanthyme Broomcloset or Lavender Rose include the link in your message so it can be checked and verified first. If you post a link without getting permission then unfortunately the post will be removed.

    6) FUN!!! this place is meant to be fun, to grow and learn and enjoy your path with other like minded people, if you have any problems you know who to contact.

    SITE RULES Pentacle-1

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 11:29 am